Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dawoud Bey "Advice To Young Artists"

While reading Dawoud Bey's "Advice To Young Artists," the most striking thing I discovered was how much the tips and information he gave could overlap with my own major. As a journalism major, I often feel a little lost in art classes, despite the fact that I'm really interested. But seeing this article makes me feel as though we're all really heading in the same direction, despite the fact that the work I do will be in a different field than the work most of my classmates do. His advice is extremely valuable and has many different applications, even outside the art world. Knowing what I know about Dawoud Bey, it seem as though he himself applies a lot of "journalism" related skills to his work, as many artists do. He interviews subjects, observes, collects data, and when capturing their essence, he does so with the utmost respect. These are all values that journalists should strive for as well--accurate portrayals of subjects, and respect where respect is due.

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